Free Boostrap Templates

Posted by Somesh Shinde On Monday, 20 February 2017 0 comments
Jumpstart your web design projects with these incredible templates. These are the best templates that can help you start designing and developing better & faster.Try them for FREE! → Another Link

Ajax Cascading DropDownList in JSP & Servlet using JQuery and JSON

Posted by Somesh Shinde On Tuesday, 14 February 2017 4 comments
There are times in a web application where you want to populate a dropdown list based on the value of another drop down list. In this example, we will be creating a dropdown list for favorite spots and favorite player; since this scenario involves in returning complex java objects...

Top 10 java interview questions on main() method.

Posted by Somesh Shinde On Wednesday, 8 February 2017 0 comments
1.Can we define a class without main method? No, you can’t run java class without main method.  Before Java 7, you can run java class by using static initializers. But, from Java 7 it is not possible. 2.Can main() method take an argument other than string array? No, argument...
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